File Code | Filing Title | Filing Type | Party | Date Filed |
PNC-E-BPA-01 |
Testimony of Robert J. Diffely (PNC-14-E-BPA-01)
BPA and Party Filings Exhibits, Studies, Testimony, Affidavits
| Bonneville Power Administration |
7/10/2014 9:03 AM
PNC-14-Q-BPA-01 |
Qualification Statement of Robert J. Diffely
Related Filings: PNC-E-BPA-01
BPA and Party Filings Qualification Statements
| Bonneville Power Administration |
7/10/2014 9:10 AM
PNC-14-M-BPA-01 |
BPA's Motion to Stay the Procedural Schedule
BPA and Party Filings Motions, Responses, Notices, Memoranda
| Bonneville Power Administration |
8/15/2014 3:12 PM
PNC-14-FR-BPA-01 |
Federal Register Notice: Proposed Changes to the Interchange Energy Imbalance Rates under the Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement (PNCA), 79 Fed. Reg. 36794 (June 30, 2014)
Official Posting Federal Register Notices
| Bonneville Power Administration |
7/10/2014 9:32 AM
PNC-14-HOO-01 |
Order Establishing Schedule
Hearing Officer Order Orders
| Bonneville Power Administration |
7/14/2014 4:46 PM
PNC-14-HOO-02 |
Special Rules of Practice to Govern These Proceedings
Hearing Officer Order Orders
| Bonneville Power Administration |
7/14/2014 4:47 PM
PNC-14-HOO-03 |
Order on Data Requests and Data Responses
Hearing Officer Order Orders
| Bonneville Power Administration |
7/14/2014 4:47 PM
PNC-14-HOO-04 |
Document Numbering System and Pre-Marking Exhiits and Briefs
Hearing Officer Order Orders
| Bonneville Power Administration |
7/14/2014 4:48 PM
PNC-14-HOO-05 |
Order Adopting Service List
Hearing Officer Order Orders
| Bonneville Power Administration |
7/14/2014 4:49 PM
PNC-14-HOO-06 |
Order Establishing General Acronyms
Hearing Officer Order Orders
| Bonneville Power Administration |
7/14/2014 4:50 PM